Saturday, June 28, 2014

The long-awaited Pirate Pants (Image-Heavy Post)

Dear lovely readers, I know I promised these pants back in... March?! Oh boy. My apologies. Well... Here they are! A tutorial to make your own pirate pants (or pajama pants!)

WARNING: Being the silly billy that I am, I didn't think about the fact that elastic waist pants are, in non-worn position, smaller than my waist. The result of this is that these pirate pants now belong to my much smaller sister! =/  So, if you want these to actually FIT you, then do the first step with a pair of non-stretchy pants like slacks or non-stretch jeans, rather than pajama pants, which is what I did.

Step one: Acquire pirate-y striped fabric. I found a striped curtain for $3 at the salvation army near my school. (That being said... who owns curtains like this?!)

Another beautiful shot of my dorm room floor... the only space big enough to lay out the fabric.

Step Two: Fold the fabric so that the "right side" (bolder side) is facing down on the floor. Take long ends and fold them to the middle of the fabric. This is so you can make the two parts of the pants.

Step Three: Lay your outline pants (Remember to use non-stretchy pants at this point that fit you very well!!!) on top of one side of the fabric, like so:

To make things easier, use the bottom hem (or selvage edge, if you bought some fabric from a fabric store) for the bottom of your pants... One less thing to sew!

Step Four: Trace an outline of the pants (remember, make sure they're business slacks or non-stretch jeans), and then add 3 inches to the height of the pants (both for higher-waisted pants and for hemming), and an extra inch to the curved part as a seam allowance.

I suggested using a colored chalk, rather than pencil, which is what I used.

Step Five: Cut out fabric along your trace lines.

This will be the front part of your pants.

Step Six: Flip your pants the other way, and repeat steps 1-5 on the other side of the fabric, so you end up with two halves of pants. (Hi Stitch!)

Step Seven: Unfold the two halves, and lay them out like so, right sides facing each other.

Step Eight: Sew the crotch parts together first on both sides , and then sew down the legs.

Step Nine: Dress as a pirate, and wear pants proudly

My sister, modelling the pirate pants. Yes, they're a tad loose on her, but she likes them the way the are, so I won't make the legs narrower. 

And there you have it! The long-awaited pirate pants!

An Update on the Fitness Thing!

I am exercising six days a week (today is actually my off day... mostly because I have to work on Saturdays during the summer, and could really use the extra energy there, rather than on a workout), and cutting out processed sugars from my diet still. Even though it's only been a week, I already feel a lot better about myself, and have higher energy levels (except for today, although that actually might be because of the lack of exercise today!) 

Drinking: Irish Breakfast Tea. I don't drink coffee any more (sugar is a no-no!), and I really need the caffeine boost today. Irish Breakfast Tea is the strongest non-coffee caffeinated beverage in my house, so I made a cup of that and sweetened it with honey! 

Listening to: The dog snoring. And the beautiful sounds of mother nature. But in terms of music, for the past few weeks I was in a classical mood. However, I'm once again in a rock-and-roll mood. AC/DC, Van Halen, Ozzy Osborne, Guns 'n' Roses, and Deff Leppard are my go-tos at the moment. 

Reading: Dune. When I finish it, I'll write a review! I finished Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen, and The Finishing School Series, by the wonderful Gail Carriger, and will try to write reviews for those over the next few days. (I'm working for almost a week without a day off, though, so I'm not sure when they will be up.)

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